Do babies and young children need pillows for healthy sleep?

Do babies and young children need pillows for healthy sleep?

After the baby is born, many parents will struggle with one question: whether or not to use a pillow for the baby? This may seem like a small problem, but it is a big problem for your baby’s appearance and development!

healthy sleep

...More ReadInfant Health2024-03-16

How harmful is second-hand smoke to children?

How harmful is second-hand smoke to children?

According to statistics, as many as 180 million children under the age of 15 are harmed by second-hand smoke in our country. For these children whose functions in all aspects are still in the accumulation stage, second-hand smoke will not only irritate their delicate eyes and throats, but also significantly increase their risk of lung cancer and heart disease. Especially for young fathers, the constant pinching of cigarette butts in your hands will cause "second-hand smoke" to seriously threaten the health of your children.

Children Health Hazards

...More ReadInfant Health2024-03-15

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